Popp AI

Founders story

Solace helped Popp improve their product and increase valuation


The founders

Sam Dhesi, MD

Chief Executive Officer

James Cochrane-Dyet

Chief Operating Officer

Ilyès Benmansour

Chief Technical Officer

Bringing unprecedented efficiency to recruiting

Sam, James, and Ilyès helped the UK government set up a rapid response program for the COVID-19 pandemic. This required massive amounts of hiring in a short amount of time, leading them to realize that an AI-powered solution that would accelerate resume screening was critical to bring new efficacy to the recruiting process. Even without a time-sensitive recruiting process, there are meaningful gains to be made in recruiting.

The results

Popp secured £1.25M in funding in their A-round led by prestigious VC Superseed


Popp won 5 new customer logos



About the company

Popp founders started building their new business in the Techstars Accelerator, which provides coaching, connecting with potential funders, and other resources to compelling startups that are pre-Series A.

The Techstars program is unique in having local programs in key technology hub cities to bring emerging companies closer to investors, experts, and other stakeholders.


Solace @ Work

While the Popp founding team knew they had a compelling idea, the initial product-market fit wasn’t resonating immediately as they hoped after exiting the Techstars accelerator. They knew they had to get stronger in product design and messaging and turned to Solace based on its track record in helping other early-stage companies make rapid progress.

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